I’m Kat,

Being the mother of an infant born preterm at 27 weeks re-affirmed my professional interest in paediatric care. I was now a member of the lived-experience preemie mum club, a club that no mother ever wishes to join. It’s different being on the other side of the clinician-patient relationship, and despite my experience, I was immediately overwhelmed by the beeps, smells and intense environment of the NICU.
Professional environments often discourage personal disclosures of this nature but I believe our lived experience makes us who we are. It has securely grounded my passion in child and family research and has kept the fire burning within me to continue to pursue my PhD through five years to date. If we have the pleasure of working together I only hope I have the honour of hearing your story and what makes you do the things you do. It is through passion that remarkable projects are born.
Therapeutic Training and Qualifications
Professional qualifications include a 1st Class BSc (hons) Occupational Therapy from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. Additional masters level accredited modules include Sensory Integration Module 1 (University of Cardiff) and the Practice Placement Educators training programme (APPLE) (University of Northumbria). I have also trained in Kinesio Taping (levels 1 and 2), The Listening Programme, the ALERT programme, Rhythmic Movement Training (levels 1 and 2), Newborn Behavioural Observations (NBO), FINE level 1 training (The Family and Infant Neurodevelopmental Education) programme, Sensory Babies, Neonatal Online Education (NOLE) and as a Trauma Informed Care Professional. I am in my 6th year of part-time PhD study at Teesside University specialising in occupational justice and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). I am a registered occupational therapist with the Health and Care Professions Council (OT61505) and a member of the British Association of Occupational Therapists.
Management and The Creative Industry
Dual trained in the arts, I am the creative director of CARRO Studio (CARRO of Wynyard Ltd) a company that was established in 2013 and has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. Now growing to a strong team of eight members, the business is thriving and has featured in the regional press. Providing photography, videography, drone, illustration and animation, we have worked all across the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Italy. We have covered several years of London and Paris fashion weeks, Barcelona bridal fashion weeks and have secured a number of magazine front covers. We have worked for channel 4, the National Health Service, academic institutions and have been featured on Vogue Paris online. I was also a fashion columnist in a Northern magazine and have taught recreational photography programmes. I am also a director of a successful property management company, Wynyard Property Rentals Ltd.

My Philosophy
Healthcare knowledge and research should be accessible to all
Knowledge should not be hidden behind a paywall. Everyone should be able to access healthcare knowledge and the latest research regardless of their financial status.
Accessing healthcare knowledge and research should be fun!
We live in an era of fast communication. Information must be eye-catching and fun to draw our attention. Journal articles are often neither accessible nor easily understandable without specialist knowledge and training of the field. Posters, films, illustrations, and creative methods can communicate information in a quick, memorable, and most importantly, fun way.
Knowledge of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science can improve your life!
Our occupations are the backbone of our daily lives. They give our life meaning. How would you feel if you could no longer play with your grandchildren, jump on that bouncy castle, paddle in the sea, or walk your dog? Occupational therapy can help you get the most out of life. Quality not quantity!

Your voice is in your research
Let your voice be heard

Reach more of the right people

Build your academic brand

Make a difference
Let’s Chat

Email: hello@otchild.com

Telephone: (+44) 7852349658

Video Call: Zoom, Microsoft Teams or FaceTime

Face to Face: United Kingdom
Research collaboration
Healthcare knowledge and academic research dissemination
Develop your academic brand