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Evaluating The Little Orange Book: A Creative Report (Layout, Character Illustration & Academic Team Member)
Academic Team: Dr Lynette Shotton, Dr Amy Johnson, Dr Matthew Breckons, Kathryn Carruthers Layout & Character Illustration: Kathryn Carruthers Executive Summary: The Little Orange Book (LOB) was developed by the Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning...

Evaluating The Little Orange Book: A film (Film production and academic team)
https://vimeo.com/850495590/e21ed535cf?share=copy Film produced by Kathryn Carruthers & CARRO Studio (Kathryn Carruthers is a director of CARRO Studio https://www.carrostudio.com) Academic Team: Dr Lynette Shotton, Dr Amy Johnson, Dr Matthew Breckons & Kathryn...

British Association of Perinatal Medicine Conference 2023: Parenting Through A Porthole: Exploring the experiences of parenting a preterm baby on a neonatal unit in England, prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Researcher & Layout and Illustration)
AimThe survey aimed to gather a broad snapshot of the experiences and perceptions of parents of preterm infants in England during the ten years prior to, and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It aimed to explore, identify, and understand the ways in which the Neonatal...

Latest Posts
Evaluating The Little Orange Book: A Creative Report (Layout, Character Illustration & Academic Team Member)
Academic Team: Dr Lynette Shotton, Dr Amy Johnson, Dr Matthew Breckons, Kathryn Carruthers Layout & Character Illustration: Kathryn Carruthers Executive Summary: The Little Orange Book (LOB) was developed by the Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning...
Evaluating The Little Orange Book: A film (Film production and academic team)
https://vimeo.com/850495590/e21ed535cf?share=copy Film produced by Kathryn Carruthers & CARRO Studio (Kathryn Carruthers is a director of CARRO Studio https://www.carrostudio.com) Academic Team: Dr Lynette Shotton, Dr Amy Johnson, Dr Matthew Breckons & Kathryn...
British Association of Perinatal Medicine Conference 2023: Parenting Through A Porthole: Exploring the experiences of parenting a preterm baby on a neonatal unit in England, prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Researcher & Layout and Illustration)
AimThe survey aimed to gather a broad snapshot of the experiences and perceptions of parents of preterm infants in England during the ten years prior to, and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It aimed to explore, identify, and understand the ways in which the Neonatal...
The humbled pivoting voyeur and the shelved and boxed grieving parent – a story of real-time qualitative research in the COVID-19 pandemic
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnn.2023.07.008 Abstract This reflexive piece uniquely discusses the challenges faced by a researcher (PhD Student) conducting real-time longitudinal research during the COVID-19 pandemic. It draws on data gathered from the author's reflexive...
Infection prevention and control measures for preterm infants discharged into the community: a scoping review protocol
10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6638482.v1 Abstract Background Infection prevention and control (IPC) is an evidence-based and practical approach to prevention of harm by infection (Infection prevention and...
Application of occupational justice concepts to children who are born preterm or admitted to neonatal intensive care and their parents: a scoping review protocol
DOI: 10.11124/JBIES-22-00203 Abstract Objective: This review aims to identify and map the usage, application, and context of occupational justice concepts and related terms by occupational therapists and occupational scientists in relation to parents...

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